Quantum Dragons: Fictional? Factual? Physics? Phantasy?

prof. Mark A. Novotny William L. Giles Distinguished Professor, Dept of Physics and Astronomy, HPC^2 Center for Computational Sciences, Mississippi State University, USA

7.04.2017, 12:00 ,  room 513 IF Katowice

When a nanodevice is connected to leads, the electron transmission as a function of energy, T(E) , is used in the Landauer formula to obtain the electrical resistance of the device. Quantum dragon nanodevices have T(E)=1 for all energies E , even though there may be strong electron scattering in the nanodevice. Exact solutions for T(E) are obtained by solving the time-independent Schrődinger equation, within the single-band tight-binding model. Several examples illustrating how common quantum dragons are will be presented.